Bone Plates, Dowels,
and Rings to Maximize Ease and Predictability of Bone Grafts
Current Concepts

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In moments of crisis such as we are now experiencing, smart people respond not with fear and panic but by making deliberate choices that transform the crisis into an opportunity. As a leader in the international dental community, Dr. Arun Garg has decided to open his library of premium educational content delivered by world-class clinicians and offer some of it at NO COST to dentists and dental surgeons around the world.

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Many conventional bone regeneration procedures and materials have been described to prepare the deficient alveolar ridge for dental implant placement, including block and particulate grafting and titanium bone screws and mesh. In this lecture, Dr. Garg presents several innovative materials and methods for maximizing the predictability and success of bone regeneration and augmentation using plates, dowels, and rings derived from autogenous and allogeneic bone.

Make the smart choice and use this time to invest in yourself and your practice by expanding your knowledge. Your patients will benefit and so will you.

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